4.10. Manage Bookmarks

The Developer portal enables you to manage the API Packs that have been bookmarked. You can create new bookmarks, delete old ones and view the list of currently available bookmarks.

4.10.1. Create a Bookmark

To create a Bookmark:

  1. In the API Pack Stores screen, hover over the right-hand top corner of the pack that you want to bookmark. A gray bookmark icon bookmarkgrey displays.
  2. Click the gray bookmark icon to bookmark the Pack. The color of the gray bookmark icon changes to red bookmarkred . The Pack is bookmarked and now appears in the My Bookmarks page.

4.10.2. View Bookmarks

To view a Bookmark:

  1. Click the hamburger menu icon on the header bar to display the hamburger menu.

    Hamburger menu

    Fig. 4.83 Hamburger menu

  2. In the hamburger menu, click My Bookmarks. The My Bookmarks page displays.

    My Bookmarks

    Fig. 4.84 My Bookmarks

    The My Bookmarks page displays with a list of all API Packs that you have bookmarked from the API Stores screen.

4.10.3. Delete a Bookmark

To delete a Bookmark:

Method I: from the My Bookmarks page

  1. Click the hamburger menu icon on the header bar to display the hamburger menu.

    Hamburger menu

    Fig. 4.85 Hamburger menu

  2. In the hamburger menu, click My Bookmarks. The My Bookmarks page displays.

    My Bookmarks

    Fig. 4.86 My Bookmarks

  3. In the row that has the Bookmark you want to delete, click the Delete icon delete.

    Delete Bookmarks

    Fig. 4.87 Delete Bookmarks

    The Bookmark is removed from the My Bookmarks page.

Method II: from the API Stores page

  1. From the API Stores page, navigate to the API Pack for which you want to remove the bookmark.
  2. Hover over the top right-hand corner of the API Pack to display the bookmark icon bookmarkred.
  3. Click the bookmark icon to remove the Bookmark. The Bookmark is removed and the icon color changes back to gray from red.

Next Steps

In the next section, you will learn how to view Statistics related to Developer data.