3.12. Create a Named Usage Policy

Usage Policies help you manage API traffic to ensure that the systems remain protected and function as needed. The Rate Limiting and Throttling Policies that you will define in this section help prevent downtime caused due to traffic spikes. Rate Limits and Throttling policies restrict API calls to a specified number of calls for a specific period.

To learn more about Usage Policies and types, refer: Usage Limits and Usage Policy Library.

This section describes the steps required to create a Named Usage Policy. You will learn to assign it a unique name and specify its Policy type.

In this section:

Common Tasks

Following are the common tasks identified for this section:

  • Navigating to the Usage Policy List screen

    In the main Navigation menu, click Usage Policies.

    Usage Policies menu

    Fig. 3.294 Usage Policies menu

    The Usage Policies list screen displays.

    Usage Policies list screen

    Fig. 3.295 Usage Policies list screen

3.12.1. Add a Named Usage Policy

To add a new Named Usage Policy:

  1. Navigate to the Usage Policy List screen.

  2. Click New Policy at the top right-hand corner of the screen. The Add New Usage Policy dialog box displays.

    Add New Usage Policy dialog

    Fig. 3.296 Add New Usage Policy dialog

  3. In the Usage Policy Name box, type the new policy name.

  4. Click the Usage Policy Type drop-down list to select from the list options:Request count limit, and Traffic Throttle.

    Select Usage Policy Type

    Fig. 3.297 Select Usage Policy Type

  5. Click Add to add the policy to the Usage Policies list.

Next Steps

In the next section, we will learn about the steps needed to edit a Named Usage Policy.