3.24. Manage Access Tokens

Common Tasks

  • Navigating to the Access Tokens List screen

    To navigate to the Access Tokens List screen:

    1. In the main Navigation menu, click Access Control.
    2. In the sub-menu that appears, click Access Tokens List.
    Access Tokens List sub-menu

    Fig. 3.455 Access Tokens List sub-menu

    The Access Tokens List screen displays.

    Access Tokens List screen

    Fig. 3.456 Access Tokens List screen

3.24.1. Revoke an Access token

A publisher can revoke an access token that an application uses to access exposed APIs. Revoking an access token renders it unusable and hence cannot be used again by the application developers to access API resources.

To revoke an access token:

  1. Navigate to the Access Tokens List screen. The screen displays a list of all access tokens generated by developers for their applications.

    Access Tokens List

    Fig. 3.457 Access Tokens List

  2. In the Developer Organisations dropdown menu, click to select the Developer organisation for which you wish to display the access tokens.

    Access Tokens List - Select Developer Organisation

    Fig. 3.458 Access Tokens List - Select Developer Organisation

    All Access Tokens generated by the selected Developer organisation display in the list below.

  3. Click Revoke corresponding to the access token you wish to revoke.

    Revoke Access Token - Revoke Access Token

    Fig. 3.459 Revoke Access Token - Revoke Access Token

  4. A confirmation message displays. Click OK to revoke. The access token is revoked and deleted from the system.

    Revoke Access Token - Revoke Access Token

    Fig. 3.460 Revoke Access Token - Revoke Access Token

Next Steps

In the next section, you will learn about managing Developer Applications.