3.15. Delete a Named Usage Policy

You can delete a Named Usage Policy that is in its Retired state.

Common Tasks

Following are the common tasks identified in this section:

  • Navigating to the Usage Policies List screen

    To navigate to the Usage Policies List screen:

    • In the main Navigation menu, click Usage Policies. The Usage Policies list screen displays.
    Usage Policies list screen

    Fig. 3.340 Usage Policies list screen

  • Navigating to the Usage Policy screen

    To navigate to the Usage Policy screen:

    1. Navigate to the Usage Policies List screen.
    2. In the Usage Policies list screen, click the row that has the Usage Policy that you want to edit. The Usage Policy screen displays. Being context-sensitive, the Usage Policy screen that displays are different for Request Count Limit and Traffic Throttle Usage Policies.

To delete a Named Usage Policy:

Method I:

  1. Navigate to the Usage Policy screen.
  2. Click the Usage Policy Action icon control to display the Usage Policy Action menu.
  3. Click Delete Policy to delete the Usage Policy.
Delete Policy

Fig. 3.341 Delete Policy

The Policy is removed from the Usage Policy List.

Method II:

  1. Navigate to the Usage Policies list screen.
  2. In the row that has the Retired Usage Policy that you want to delete, click the delete icon delete. A notification message “Named policy deleted” displays. The Usage Policy is removed from the Usage Policy List.
Usage Policy list - delete

Fig. 3.342 Usage Policy list - delete


The delete icon appears only for Policies that are in their Retired States.

Next Steps

In the next section, we will take you through the steps necessary to manage approvals.