4.1. Developer Portal - Overview

The DigitMarket™ API Manager Developer portal provides a secure and reliable platform for Developer on-boarding and engagement. Developers can rapidly integrate their apps with relevant APIs by testing them in the Sandbox environment. Developers can sign up on customized, web-based portals and use their favorite enterprise APIs, collaborate with other like-minded developers, and hence contribute to the overall growth of the portal. DigitMarket™ API Manager also provides all the necessary administration tools to help drive API adoption among the Developer community.

Among other things, the Developer portal allows developers to:

  • Sign up and explore APIs

  • Try out APIs in Sandbox environment to learn about how to integrate Apps with APIs, and develop Apps

  • Get guidance and troubleshoot problems with the help of API documentation and API-centric discussion forums

  • Prepare for Production and go live

  • Gather feedback on APIs’ quality and usage

  • Draw meaningful insights from Analytics

Developer Profiles and Roles

A Developer organization can comprise many profiles, including that of a mobile start-up, solopreneur, mobile operator, payment aggregator, partner bank involved in development of apps, etc. And, within a Developer company, you are likely to find user-roles that can be broadly categorized into:

  • Application Developers, who are entrusted with the task of developing Apps

  • Developer Admins, who oversee the portal activities and carry out admin-related functions

  • Business/Finance users, who are responsible for managing revenue and financial aspects of their business.

Developer work-flow

Given below is the work-flow that an App developer needs to follow after exploring APIs of interest:

  • Analyze the feasibility of using the APIs in integration with their business idea

  • Study the API Use Cases and Examples

  • Use the “Try it” feature to invoke the API in Sandbox environment

  • Register their Apps with the APIs

  • Receive an API key for accessing the APIs

  • Make requests to your services through API resources/operations and pass the API key with each request