3.34. Email Notifications

DigitMarket™ API Manager sends event based email notifications as and when they occur in the application workflow. The below table shows the various scenarios with the primary email recipient(s), user roles to which the scenario will/won’t be applicable and whether you can add CC and BCC recipients. A mail may or may not be triggered to the user roles to which each scenario is applicable. The values for the mail trigger is configured in the database (1 - mail will be triggered, 0 - mail will not be triggered) and can be changed accordingly. However, for user roles that are not applicable to the scenario, no mail will be triggered even if the values are changed in the database.

Table 3.39 Email Notifications


Primary Recipient

Applicable to User Roles

Not Applicable to User Roles



Subscription request submitted for approval

Email IDs of Publisher user (approver/admin) who can approve/reject subscription submitted for approval

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Subscription request Rejected

Email IDs of Publisher user (approver/admin) who can approve/reject subscription request

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Artifact Developer group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Subscription request approved

Email IDs of Publisher user (approver/admin) who can approves/reject subscription request

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Artifact Developer group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Subscription becomes active

Email IDs of Publisher user (approver/admin) who can propagate subscription

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Artifact Developer group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

New Publisher user added

Email ID of the Publisher user being created

Publisher User

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Artifact Developer group, Publisher User Group, Developer User, Developer User Group



New Developer user added

Email ID of the Developer user being created

Developer User

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Artifact Developer group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group, Developer User Group



Publisher signup request approved

Default only to user who requested for signup

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Artifact Developer group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group, Developer User, Developer User Group



Developer sends a signup request

Default Publisher Role Admin and Publisher Role Approver and user who requested for signup

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Artifact Developer group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group, Developer User, Developer User Group



Developer signup request Approved

Default who requested for signup

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Artifact Developer group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group, Developer User, Developer User Group



Developer signup request rejected

Default Publisher Role Admin and Publisher Role Approver and user who requested for signup

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Artifact Developer group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

API approval request approved

Email ID of Publisher user who requested for API approval

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

API approval request rejected

Email ID of Publisher user who requested for API approval

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

API approval request for editing approved

Email ID of Publisher user who requested for open for editing of the API

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

API approval request for editing rejected

Email ID of Publisher user who requested for open for editing of the API

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group



API approval request for deprecation approved

Email ID of Publisher user who requested for deprecation of API

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

API approval request for deprecation rejected

Email ID of Publisher user who requested for deprecation of API

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

API approval request for retirement approved

Email ID of Publisher user who requested for retirement of API

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

API approval request for retirement rejected

Email ID of Publisher user who requested for retirement of API

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Plan approval request approved

Email ID of Publisher user who requested plan approval

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Plan approval request rejected

Email ID of Publisher user who requested plan approval

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Plan approval request for editing approved

Email ID of Publisher user who requested editing of plan

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Plan approval request for editing rejected

Email ID of Publisher user who requested editing of plan

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Plan approval request for deprecation approved

Email ID of Publisher user who requested deprecation of plan

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Plan approval request for deprecation rejected

Email ID of Publisher user who requested deprecation of plan

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Plan approval request for retirement approved

Email ID of Publisher user who requested retirement of plan

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Plan approval request for retirement rejected

Email ID of Publisher user who requested retirement of plan

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

API pack approval request approved

Email ID of Publisher user who requested for approval of API pack

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

API Pack approval request rejected

Email ID of Publisher user who requested for approval of API pack

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

API Pack approval request for editing approved

Email ID of Publisher user who requested for editing of the pack

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

API Pack approval request for editing rejected

Email ID of Publisher user who requested for editing of the pack

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

API Pack approval request for deprecation approved

Email ID of Publisher user who requested for deprecation of the pack

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

API Pack approval request for deprecation rejected

Email ID of Publisher user who requested for deprecation of the pack

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

API Pack approval request for retirement approved

Email ID of Publisher user who requested for retirement of the pack

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

API Pack approval request for retirement rejected

Email ID of Publisher user who requested for retirement of the pack

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Usage Policy approval request approved

Email ID of Publisher user who requested approval of Usages Policy

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Usage Policy approval request rejected

Email ID of Publisher user who requested approval of Usages Policy

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Usage Policy approval request for editing approved

Email ID of Publisher user who requested approval for editing of Usage Policy

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Usage Policy approval request for editing rejected

Email ID of Publisher user who requested approval for editing of Usage Policy

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Usages Policy approval request for deprecation approved

Email ID of Publisher user who requested approval for deprecation of Usage Policy

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Usage Policy approval request for deprecation rejected

Email ID of Publisher user who requested approval for deprecation of Usage Policy

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Usage Policy approval request for retirement approved

Email ID of Publisher user who requested approval for retirement of Usage Policy

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Usage Policy approval request for retirement rejected

Email ID of Publisher user who requested approval for retirement of Usage Policy

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

API submitted for approval

Email IDs of all Publisher users (approver/admin) who can approve/reject API

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

API submitted for edit

Email IDs of all Publisher users (approver/admin) who can approve/reject API submitted for editing

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

API submitted for deprecation

Email IDs of all Publisher users (approver/admin) who can approve/reject API submitted for deprecation

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

API submitted for retirement

Email IDs of all Publisher users (approver/admin) who can approve/reject API submitted for retirement

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

API pack submitted for approval

Email IDs of all Publisher users (approver/admin) who can approve/reject API Pack submitted for approval

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

API pack submitted for edit

Email IDs of all Publisher users (approver/admin) who can approve/reject API Pack submitted for edit

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

API pack submitted for deprecation

Email IDs of all Publisher users (approver/admin) who can approve/reject API Pack submitted for deprecation

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

API pack submitted for retirement

Email IDs of all Publisher users (approver/admin) who can approve/reject API Pack submitted for retirement

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Named usage policy submitted for approval

Email IDs of all Publisher users (approver/admin) who can approve/reject named usage policy submitted for approval

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Named usage policy submitted for edit

Email IDs of all Publisher users (approver/admin) who can approve/reject named usage policy submitted for edit

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Named usage policy submitted for deprecation

Email IDs of all Publisher users (approver/admin) who can approve/reject named usage policy submitted for deprecation

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Named usage policy submitted for retirement

Email IDs of all Publisher users (approver/admin) who can approve/reject named usage policy submitted for retirement

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Usage plan submitted for approval

Email IDs of all Publisher users (approver/admin) who can approve/reject usage plan submitted for approval

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Usage plan submitted for edit

Email IDs of all Publisher users (approver/admin) who can approve/reject usage plan submitted for edit

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Usage plan submitted for deprecation

Email IDs of all Publisher users (approver/admin) who can approve/reject usage plan submitted for deprecation

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Usage plan submitted for retirement

Email IDs of all Publisher users (approver/admin) who can approve/reject usage plan submitted for retirement

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Application submitted for approval

Email IDs of all Publisher users(approver/admin) who can approve/reject application submitted for approval

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical,Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Developer User, Developer User Group

Artifact Publisher group, Artifact Developer group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Application approval request rejected

Email IDs of all Publisher users (approver/admin) who can approve/reject application submitted for approval

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical,Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Publisher User, Publisher User Group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Artifact Publisher group, Artifact Developer group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Application approval request approved

Email IDs of all Publisher users (approver/admin) who can approve/reject application submitted for approval

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Publisher User, Publisher User Group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Artifact Publisher group, Artifact Developer group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Request for forgot password

Default only to user who requested for forgot password

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Artifact Developer group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group, Developer User, Developer User Group



Password changed and password reset through forgot password

Default only to user who reset/changed for password

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Artifact Developer group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group, Developer User, Developer User Group



Request for account unlock

Default only to user who requested for unlock account

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Artifact Developer group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group, Developer User, Developer User Group



Unlocked account

Default only to user who unlocked his/her account

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Artifact Developer group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group, Developer User, Developer User Group



New forum topic added

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Artifact Developer group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Publisher User, Publisher User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Reply added to forum topic

When replying from publisher portal if selected pub_user and pub_user group then the one who is replying that particular user and user group will be picked; similarly for developer

Publisher Role Admin, Publisher Role Approver, Publisher Role Business, Publisher Role Technical, Developer Role Admin, Developer Role Business, Developer Role Technical, Artifact Publisher group, Artifact Developer group, Publisher User, Publisher User Group, Developer User, Developer User Group

Picked from property file if configured in DB

Picked from property file if configured in DB