3.1. Publisher Portal - Overview

The Publisher portal has web interfaces that enable API Development teams to develop, monetize, publish, and promote their APIs. They include features that allow the user to manage multiple API Versions, configure Usage Policies, monetize API Packs and analyze API-related Statistics.

The Publisher portal enables the user to securely expose API Proxies via API Gateways. It allows the user to manage end-to-end API life cycles, secure APIs through authentication and authorization and other security policies, manage traffic through Usage policies, and get insights from real-time analytics.

Publishing services available through this portal include:

  • Creating APIs and making them available to Consumers

  • Creating one or more API Gateways that map exposed URLs to back-end services and enforce Security and Usage Policies

  • Adding and configuring Usage Policies and Plans

  • Packaging and Branding APIs

  • Monitoring and Analyzing API Usage

  • Managing API Users and Groups

For an API Developer, the Publisher portal provides the tools to carry out primary development activities centring around designing and deploying APIs. As an intricate part of your job, you must ensure that the published APIs are aligned with your business goals. If you have a business user role, you will mostly be concerned with devising Usage Plans and Policies and finding how these can be used to pave the way for API discovery and consumption within Developer communities.

The sections and topics covered in the Publisher Portal documentation should be read by:

  • API developers - who create, configure and deploy APIs

  • Business users - who work on API Products and Pricing

  • Technical users - who manage User accounts

  • Marketers - who brand and promote APIs

  • Technical authors - who write documents that describe an API