3.23. Default Email ID Allocation for LDAP Users

Both Publisher and Developer users can be added from LDAP directory. While adding an LDAP user, the application fetches the user details from the LDAP directory and then adds the details to the MYSQL database.

Let us suppose that for an LDAP user, an Email ID has not been specified and the Email ID field is blank in the LDAP directory. In such a case, while fetching the user details from the LDAP directory, the Email ID field will return a null value. As a result, the user’s Email ID field will not be populated in the database. Since Email ID is one of the requirements for adding an LDAP user, the above situation can create an exception. To avoid such a situation, a default Email ID is stored as a constant in the property file (A Property file is a file used for storing the configurable parameters of an application.). The Email ID constant will be the default Email ID used in cases where Email ID is not available for LDAP users. This default Email ID is fetched from the property file and will be populated in the Email ID field, if no Email ID has been specified in the user details.


Default Email ID allocation feature is available for both Publisher and Developer users who are added from LDAP. This feature is not applicable for native users.